September 6, 2023
New trends in employee benefits: A conversation with Tedy's Sydney Wingender
More than ever, employers are daring to be creative in order to stand out from the competition and create unique working conditions that will retain and motivate their teams. Tedy 's Sydney Wingender joined Céline Morellon, CHRP, on Paul Laroque's program, Le Bilan, to discuss this issue. The killer question: have we as employers reached the point where we need to provide cottages and trips to all-inclusives to stand out from the crowd?
Here's a summary of our key interview highlights, available in video below.👇
Personalization as a key to retention
Sydney highlighted the growing importance of benefits personalization. The increasingly diverse and younger workforce is looking for benefits that match their specific needs. This personalization goes far beyond traditional benefits, and involves thinking deeply about what motivates each employee.
Flexibility as an asset
Flexibility is a key word in the new trends. Sydney explained that flexibility is no longer simply a concept of telecommuting, but extends to personalizing benefits and managing employees' careers. Options such as four-day working weeks, extended summer vacations and even the possibility of working from abroad are gaining in popularity.
Listening to employees
An essential part of the new wave approach to benefits is listening to employees and empathizing with them. Understanding their specific needs and aspirations enables companies to offer benefits that not only retain employees, but also boost productivity. Tedy also provides a great deal of insight into employees' interests and passions, enabling a more authentic and, consequently, more enduring relationship.
Balancing satisfaction and productivity
Finding the balance between employee satisfaction and productivity remains a challenge, particularly in sectors such as healthcare and education. However, studies show that when managed well, flexibility and personalization of benefits can lead to increased satisfaction and productivity.
In short, chalet or not?
Ultimately, business leaders need to recognize that the employment landscape has changed significantly. Current trends in employee benefits and perks favor personalization, flexibility and listening to employees. Companies that embrace these changes can not only attract and retain top talent, but also improve the satisfaction and productivity of their workforce. So, a chalet can be a major differentiator, but only if employees can benefit from it as a whole, and if it's in line with their real interests. In short, start by getting to know your teams better!
We invite you to schedule a Tedy demo to find out how you can energize your employee benefits with just a few clicks.