February 14, 2024
The recognition platform that will make you a better employer.
To counter the challenges of employee retention and engagement, companies have no choice but to stand out as employers. Known for revolutionizing the very concept of well-being in the workplace through its customizable social benefits solutions, Tedy has now made it its mission to promote workplace recognition.
View original published article in La Presse (in French)
Working with over 400 companies, Pablo Stevenson, co-founder of Tedy, notices more than ever: it's difficult to constantly innovate to attract talent and ensure staff retention. 'The notorious gift cards, the fruit basket in the office, or traditional group insurance no longer allow employers to stand out,' he observes. For him, the solution is clear: highlighting the quality of employees' work by focusing on benefits, recognition, and employee experience.
Running shoes, concert tickets, and veterinarian expenses are just a few examples among the range of possibilities offered by Tedy. Company managers can turn to Tedy to recognize performance, engagement, or loyalty of their employees, or to mark an important date for one of them. With a few clicks, they can send an amount to an employee, who can then spend it in one of the 20 categories of social benefits offered on the platform. The employer even decides whether to allow employees to spend this money across all categories offered or only in those more closely related to its corporate culture."
"With Tedy, the keyword is 'flexibility'. All parameters are customizable: the employer decides everything, starting with the amount of the allocation they want to deposit into their employees' virtual wallet."
Recognition: the foundation of a corporate culture.
By expanding its offering of flexible social benefits, the Tedy team noticed that an increasing number of employers were adding one-time amounts to their employees' virtual wallets in order to recognize their work.
Tedy therefore seized the opportunity to develop a system that allows employers to easily show their appreciation for their employees through concrete and personalized gestures which, of course, are in line with their values. With just a few clicks, they can now offer recognition to their employees on occasions such as a work anniversary or the start of maternity leave, or when a goal is achieved or a client is referred.
Whether it's due to lack of time, not knowing where to start, or not knowing the interests and passions of their employees, it’s one of the biggest challenges for employers and their management team to express the recognition they have for them. With Tedy, managers are equipped to offer this recognition with just a few clicks. Tedy completely changes the game.
Pablo Stevenson reminds us that gift cards and point systems are complex, impersonal, and generic, and that they do not strengthen the sense of belonging. With a recognition program as personalized as Tedy's, not only is workplace well-being improved, but our company culture is simultaneously strengthened.
A turnkey solution
By offering a simple and caring recognition experience to companies, Tedy aims to help them become better employers while minimizing their effort. There is no question of burdening the accounting or human resources departments, assures the co-founder.
Leaders are well aware that it's important to recognize their employees' work, but they lack the time. Tedy handles everything, and the simplicity of its process can even encourage them to reward employees more frequently.
Moreover, Tedy wanted to make signing up for its service as accessible as possible for all companies, regardless of their size. "In just 15 minutes, the employer can join the platform, and by the afternoon, employees can start spending through their application," Mr. Stevenson assures.